“一切为了销售,否则我们一无是处.” 大为·奥格威
the whole purpose of design is to increasesales,
this idea has long been known to luxury retail stores.
as sales are so dependent on people entering and exploring thestore,
so much effort goes into the appearance of shop windows.
today i’d like to share some excellent store fronts. i hope you enjoy.
artifacts 专卖店在台北有一个高端博物馆的风格.
have you ever been crushed by a present?
explosively attractive.
hermes shanghai mansion 爱玛仕上海专卖店
all the details are astounding!
hermes shanghai mansion 爱仕玛上海专卖店
more beautiful than a “natural” peacock.
this explains itself.
sometimes the stores are obviously made for chinese customers:
harrod’s store
what it the real estate industry used this kind of creativity when making theirsales reception centers?
what do you think the result would be?
the following is a swarovski display stand.
the aesthetic is similar to many modern realestate sales centers, but it looks much, much better.
the extravagance of luxury retail storesmight be appropriate for the luxury real estate market. of course,
overdoingthe luxury wouldn’t be appropriate. i don’t imagine that a luxury mcdonalds would be cost effective.